Thursday, May 24, 2012

Book Review: Across The Universe by Beth Revis

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My reviews are always spoiler FREE! :]
This book is about Amy. Her father is 6th in command in the U.S. military and her mother works in biological engineering. Her parents have been asked to help start a new planet. They will be frozen for 300 years and put on "Godspeed" (a spaceship going to the new planet) and then woken up when they arrive. Amy is given the choice to be frozen with her parents or stay with her aunt and uncle and live out her life on earth. And of course she chooses to go. Everything is going fine until she is unexpectedly woken up 50 years too soon...

So from Elders point of view in the book, he is learning the ways of the ship. How to run the ship. How to be the next leader. And he has a feeling the leader isn't teaching him everything he needs to know. And from Amy's point of view, she's woken up and thinks they've made it to the new planet. And she's extremely disappointed when she learns they haven't. So the book is about all the chaos and secrets that unfold.

I loved this book. I thought it was well written. The descriptions were perfect. I could envision everything the author described perfectly! Everything from the people on Godspeed, to the ship, to the emotions and physical feelings of being frozen. It was more on the slower side for me, but I enjoyed the entire back story. The book is written in Amy’s point of view as well as Elder’s (the next leader of Godspeed). I enjoyed that because I felt like I got to really understand the emotions of both of them in the same scene.

I look forward to reading the second book "A Million Suns"

I give it five stars. I would definitely read it again!

Enjoy your day!


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