Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reads to Reels: What I Need to Read

Books being made into movies!

These are some of the books I need to read because they're being made into movies, rumored as being made into a movie, or just recently came out.

**Clicking on pictures will take you to that book on Goodreads**

-Have you read any of these?
-Are you excited for the movie?

Have a fantabulous day!


  1. I haven't read them all but a majority of them are on my tbr list. I didn't know some of these were being turned into movies but I am pretty excited about them now.

    1. I know, I didn't know until the other day. I came across a list and started looking things up. Most have been confirmed, but a few are rumored. I'm sure they'll be turned into movies :)


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