Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Nika!

My dear, dear sister, today is your birthday. I'm very sorry I couldn't be there for it! I thought I could sort of make it up to you by doing this blog post for you. So I can tell you how much I love and appreciate you. I've already given you your presents and the other letter I wrote you, I'm very happy I got to see you on Friday, even if it was only for a few hours. I'm looking forward to this holiday season, you'll be off from school and can come and visit for a whole month. I'm so excited I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas :)

As you know I was an only child for a long, long time. I was a spoiled little brat, but then I met you. Even though we were just friends at first, I knew we had a very special connection. Even more than best friends could ever have. Then we decided to play match maker and hook our parents up. And what do you know?! It worked, they got together, got engaged, and finally, got married. And that officially started our sisterhood. I don't think I could have asked for a better sister. I honestly have no idea how two completely different people could also be the exact same person. It's so hard to put into words, but you know exactly what I mean.

I just wanted to say that I love you and miss you terribly. Moving away from you and the rest of our family was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I see now how it has benefited me greatly and I hope you don't see it as me leaving you. I think you've also grown a lot in the 5 months we've been gone, but you already know how I feel about that. Anyways, I can't wait for you to finish school and (hopefully) move here.  Or wherever you and I may choose to move to, we have our whole lives ahead of us. I just can't wait to be back with my twin again.

Happy Birthday Sizzer! <3

When I see this, It makes me think of us now,
but let's take a little trip down memory lane.
And this will be without all the embarrassing ones. 

Awww, Christmas day. We were fresh out of
high school. It seems like so long ago. And we 
look so darn young. 

I'm sure you remember these from our trip to Daygo,
for the family reunion. I think that was one of our
best trips ever!

Our trip to Universal for Halloween Horror Nights..
BEST NIGHT EVER! We must go again... soon!

I've thrown in a few Thanksgiving photos :)

I remember this was the first day of the semester
at BC, when we had like every class together. 

Halloween at the church. We look so cute with all 
our cups of water. And my homemade tutu :)

Some of our memorable funny faces!

I know this picture is horrible quality, but the memories
I have when I see these pictures are amazing. A lot
of things resulted from this party. But I have to say, 
it was pretty freaking fabulous. And of course, we 
had a great Halloween!

I hope you enjoyed that look back.
I found a picture of this amazing cake.
I was thinking that you could close your
eyes and pretend that it's there and candles
are lit, and you can blow them out! :)

Okay, well this is the end of my post. 
To my sister, I hope you enjoyed it.
I hope you liked all the pictures and
the fake cake and all that jazz.

And to others, I hope you enjoyed also.
I hope you feel included, now you know 
a little about us and our history together.
And wish her all a Happy Birthday! :)

Have a great everyone!


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